Purity Through Fire


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Although just four months apart, both albums were the work of two prolific underground veterans: Count Revenant on strings, voice, and keys and drummer Anzillu. And while both are no strangers to black metal, the variety they unleashed with ORDER OF NOSFERAT was most definitely OLD, in every sense of the word. Undead vampiric black metal had truly arisen!

Wasting no time spreading their infection further, ORDER OF NOSFERAT return with another new album, Nachtmusik. Aptly titled, Nachtmusik is dedicated to lone night-wanderers and those who dwell in sleepless despair. At times more beautifully sad and more rabid than its two not-inconsiderable predecessors, Nachtmusik walks the fine line between fever dream and sublime paralysis; the black metal is filthier and more flaying while the oft-isolated segments of synth and/or piano impart a wounded darkness to the album's overall aspect. Of course, ORDER OF NOSFERAT remain ever true to their vampiric vision, and Nachtmusik bears favorable comparison to vampiric pioneers like America's Black Funeral as well as France's Vlad Tepes, Mütiilation, Funeral, Blessed in Sin, or any number of bands orbiting the Black Legions or Concilium collectives. But, with the welcome integration of somber interludes and even-defter layering of keys, the duo continue to expand their own, plausibly idiosyncratic version of VAMPIRIC BLACK METAL.

ORDER OF NOSFERAT continue to feel familiar and nostalgic, and indeed is that the point; black metal doesn't "need" to be anything else but what it already is...or already was, more accurately. And the same can be said for the "vampiric" appellation, before it was ruined by circus clowns and freaks on a leash as the once-glorious '90s came to a close. Lights out with Nachtmusik!

Full tracklisting
1. Tunes of Nocturnal Tragedies 
2. Strains for the Restless Nights
3. Bloodlust Nightmares Raging Wild
4. For Those who Dwell in Sleepless Despair 
5. As the eternal Night fell upon us
6. Floating on the Sea of Drowned Desires
7. My Final Breath
8. A Song for Lilien 
9. The Cruel Awakening
10. ...of Mourning and Wintry Melancholy

Release notes
Nachtmusik was written and recorded between September 2021 and January 2022
Artwork by Vhan Artworks

Purity Through Fire
P.O. Box 1154
08110 Wilkau-Haßlau


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