Third year, third full-length by the mighty Moosegut. Following along the lines of the previous record, but perhaps even now the project's best to date, Moosegut delivers again a Punk-ish, raw and no frills blast from a glorious past. Channeling the same barbarian might as Central european hordes once did, and projects such as Goatmoon, which serves as a particularly clear inspiration, Moosegut hails the eternal search of the valiant hunter, the eternal war waged both against and in communion with the forces of the untamed, fierce nature of the North. The keyboard work and acoustic interludes present here really take the album to new heights of cosmic and timeless spirituality, perfectly matching the Folky and unrgent guitarwork.
Herstellerangaben: Darker Than Black fascination media UG Unter den Linden 24 10117 Berlin