Since their formation in 2007, MINENWERFER have pursued a proud 'n' pure vision of black metal idiosyncratically focused on World War I - idiosyncratic, in the sense that the band hail from America but mostly sing in German. What has resulted is a startlingly accomplished canon that has quietly built itself into prolific proportions, with their first album arriving in 2010, followed by albums in 2012 and 2019, and a slew of split releases and EPs in the interim.
Of those many short-length releases, Kriegserklärung can conveniently be seen as a companion to an album release – in this case, 2012's thick-yet-throttling Nihilistischen. And yet, where that album saw MINENWERFER inching closer to a palatable professionalism, the 24-minute Kriegserklärung fully bursts through those doors with a startling clarity, setting the stage for the band's grand 2019 full-length, Alpenpäesse. Which is all to say that MINENWERFER have been mining songwriting gold for many years now!
Herstellerangaben: Osmose Production 121 Rue de Saint-André 62870 Campagne-lès-Hesdin Frankreich
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