Werewolf Records

Goatmoon - Death Before Dishonour CD

Goatmoon - Death Before Dishonour CD
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15,00 €
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage
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Hersteller: Werewolf Records
Mehr Artikel von: Werewolf Records

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Originally released at the very end of 2004, back in darker times, Death Before Dishonour was the grand culmination of an intense demo period for monomaniacal mainman BlackGoat Gravedesecrator. During this period, GOATMOON exuded a ripped-raw and punk-oriented brand of Finnish black metal. Even at this stage, however, moments of iron-willed triumph 'n' tragedy - which would later blossom on subsequent albums, in a plausibly refined manner - crop up and create a unique disconnect that, somehow, is entirely Finnish. Above all, Death Before Dishonour is a distillation of times now long lost, when Finnish black metal was truly beginning to assert its dominance of the underground. Hear where the infamy began, or move on a coward.


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