Due to the current situation in Ukraine, our Ukrainian artists are facing dire financial circumstances as there is currently no way for them to work or make a proper living anytime soon. In order to help them and their families survive, Season of Mist will donate 100% of the profits of this special vinyl edition to DRUDKH and will not be taking any fees.
'Eastern Frontier in Flames' is the definitive collection of the long out-of-print and sought-after DRUDKH EP's and split releases. 'Eastern Frontier...' combines 2007's 'Anti-Urban' EP and the MASTER'S HAMMER and SACRILEGIUM covers on 2010's 'Slavonic Chronicles' with the recent half of their vinyl-only collaboration with WINTERFYLLETH. 'Eastern Frontier in Flames' is an integral piece to any DRUDKH fan's collection as their storied full-lengths.