A blazing craft of lavish transmissions, blend within the obscure soundscapes of the past emissions and new, vivid dark experimentations. Industrial noise vessels, harsh physical ritualistic vibrations and death-mind drones, materializing new undiscovered horizons. Passing through 8 tunnels of self-initiation and empirical gnosis, 8 Daemons manifest the atavistic metamorphosis of Nekrologie Sinistrae.
The seal and pathway of formless Divination unto the reverend, oracular depths of Nekyia. A thralling drone from deep within, that enchants the dreadful journey from the bowels of the Earth to the otherworldly gnaw of the Astral worlds and the worlds beyond them. A brazen drape of taming omnipotence and a cycle of unchained immortality. The Ancient tongues bear infinite Wisdom to the ever-present, channeling the Gnosis of the dwelling spirits of the under-worlds upon the blazing flame of Will, unto the endless Becoming.
SHIBALBA's (ACHERONTAS) music is saturated with the mysticism of the East. It's richly detailed and multidimensional, while layered with chanting and broadly defined elements of traditional ritual and shamanic music. Apart from contemporary synths and guitar drones, the band makes use of bones and skulls as percussion instruments, Tibetan Horns, Tibetan Singing Bowls, bone & horne trumpets, Darbuka's (goblet drums) as well as ceremonial bells and gongs, to name a few.
The Spirits behind the Shamanic Halls of Shibalba are Acherontas V.Priest & Aldra-Al-Melekh.
The Mission behind this Esoteric Art is to Guide the Subconsious of the Individual to Dream Beyond the Skin of Matter & to Dream in Ecstasy and Exaltation.
The Magical Trip is Boundless...
Herstellerangaben: Agonia Records P.O. Box 273 64-920 Piła Polen info@agoniarecords.com