The new BURKHARTVINTER album "Mordbrand" will be released. The successor to "Hohenkrähen" appears on vinyl and CD. There is also a limited vinyl box. Coverart has been created again by infamous JDW Death my only Friend Artworks. Recorded primitively in our rehearsal room, there are 6 new tracks incoming like OTHALA ALEMANNIA and WHEN SATAN CALLS TO ARMS, around 45minutes of Hateful German Black Metal in total.
BURKHARTVINTER is a part to SOUTHERN GERMAN BLACK METAL along to WOLFSBLUT. You can find the current album "Grailiach, Diaschtr, Wiascht" HERE!!!
Die ACHERONTAS Vorgänger Band STUTTHOF mit dem Album "And Cosmos from Ashes to Dust...". als Re Release im DigiPac. Das Meiserwerk mit neuer Tracklist und Layout.
Diese CD Box bestehend aus 10 CDs aus den Bereichen Black-, Folk, Thrash und Doom Metal.
Ein tolles Überrachungspaket zum kleinen Preis. Es lebe der Underground.